Showing posts with label Computing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Computing. Show all posts

Thursday, October 7, 2010

No wonder I'm late. Why, this watch is exactly two days slow.

Definitely more than that, I think.

For the past couple of weeks I have been catching up with my computing class - but alas! I've let down my SDI blog! Shock! Horror!
Loaf of horror!

The tank game (since the last post) has been untouched, as is that car game - but, due to unforeseen consequences, I will no longer be working on a 3D car game. Instead, I'm going back to basics - something that we have all missed from the beginning.

That is right - you're seeing the first mockup I have ever done in my entire life. Sure, it looks crap, but with a little imagination you could think of this new project (Which surprisingly enough is for my computing project, not SDI) as a HD remix of Micro Machines (Use your imagination if you want to see that HUD)! Of course, it won't be using that name outright (Due to copywrite concerns and such), but it shall play just like, well, all of the Micro Machines sequels should have played like. Good 'ole topdown 4-player car action.

Expect more on this later on (Resources are yet to be completely achieved in terms of what I need, to what I have)

Regor2012, if you're going to continue to send mail to my no longer accessible email account, prepare for the news that, well, I won't be able to receive the news that you send to me!